Monday, February 22, 2016

Open Door Policy

This political cartoon is addressing an issue about the Open Door Policy. The cartoonist message is that America was the first country to open China into trading with other countries. I can imagine another disagreeing with this issue. I could imagine another peer thinking that the United States was trying to keep trade between only the United States and China. Some techniques that the cartoonist used to make this cartoon persuasive were labelling and symbolism. The symbolism is being used on the citizens to represent the countries trying to come and make trade with China. The labelling is used on the door to China, because as a country, China has now officially opened themselves to trade with other countries. This cartoon supports my stand on American imperialism because I think that we should expand and have more trading relationships with other countries.
Chappell, Caitlin. "AP European History." AP European History. Blogger, 5 Mar. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. <>.  

Friday, February 19, 2016

Open Door Policy

This political cartoon is about the Open Door Policy. The cartoonist is trying to tell people that the United States is blocking out countries to trade with China. I think that other people can think that the United States is just trying to "mark their territory" and say that they (The United States) wants to have the first bid on trading with China. The cartoonist uses the techniques labelling and analogy to make this political cartoon persuasive. The labelling is used to shoe that the opening doors are really China's door opening up to trading with other countries. The analogy is the United States being the door keeper to China's trade. There is the analogy that United States is a guard for China's trading doors. This cartoon supports my opinion on American imperialism because I felt like the United States was taking too much power to try and control the world and gain every territory that they could get their little hands on. I think that the United States believe about manifest destiny had gone a little too far.
"The Open Door Policy Cartoon." West Valley College, Saratoga CA. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. <>.

Spanish-American War

The issue that this political cartoon is about would be the Spanish-American War. The cartoonist is trying to tell the audience that the Spanish-American War was not the greatest idea in terms that we basically wounded the Filipinos. Another person could think that the Spanish-American War was useful because we got to gain new territories such as the Philippines and Cuba. The cartoonist used analogy and labelling to make this cartoon persuasive. The cartoonist used the analogy to compare the Filipinos to a weak, helpless child, and compared the United States to a strong man. The cartoonist used labelling on the Filipino child to show how the Filipinos were being treated during the Spanish-American War. This cartoon supports my position because I do not think that the Spanish-American War was meant to treat the Filipinos like slaves.

Annexation of Hawaii

The issue that this political cartoon is about the annexation of Hawaii. The cartoonist's position on this issue is that the annexation of Hawaii was good for the United States, but bad for Hawaii because they had lost their freedom to the U.S. I think that other people could also have the opinion that Hawaii was actually getting help so that they could learn democracy, what the United States wanted for the nationwide population. America wanted democracy to be the only form of government at that time. The cartoonist used labelling and analogy to make this cartoon persuasive. The labelling is on Queen Liloukalina's dress to show who she is and the importance of her during the annexation of Hawaii. The analogy is comparing Hawaii's queen to a monster. This cartoon is supporting my analysis because I think that taking away Hawaii's queen, and taking away Hawaii's freedom.
"Illustration: Depiction of Queen Liliuokalani." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <>. 

Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The cartoonist's message is that the Panama Canal is going to help ships cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. I can imagine others thinking that the United States is taking over Panama territories in itself. The cartoonist used labelling and exaggeration to make this cartoon persuasive. The exaggeration is where Roosevelt is actually digging out the dirt from the Panama Canal and how big the president is on this new issue. This cartoon supports my position because I think the Panama Canal was a big issue just like Roosevelt in this political cartoon.

"Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt - Panama Canal - Political Cartoons." Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt - Panama Canal - Political Cartoons. The Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <>.

Roosevelt Corollary

This political cartoon is addressing the Roosevelt Corollary. This political cartoon is addressing how Roosevelt is being too powerful and taking away Central American powers. I can imagine others thinking that the Roosevelt Corollary helped the United States take control of more countries. The cartoonist used labelling and exaggeration to make this political cartoon persuasive. The exaggeration is making Roosevelt bigger because he was the most important person to get involved in the Roosevelt Corollary. This cartoon supports my position on American Imperialism because at this time, Roosevelt was the "bad guy" because he was not afraid to use the "big stick" which was known at that time as the military in his favor.

Purchase of Alaska 2

The issue that this political cartoon portrays is the purchase of Alaska. The cartoonist's message on this issue is that America paid a huge amount of money to buy Alaska. The cartoonist is also trying to tell the audience that America was just buying a big block of ice. I can imagine other people thinking that the purchase of Alaska was good because we gained extra territory for the United States. The cartoonist used labelling, exaggeration, and analogy to make this cartoon persuasive. The cartoonist used labelling by labelling the bag of money with how mush currency Alaska cost. The exaggeration is where the Russians are not literally delivering Alaska to the United States. The analogy is where the cartoonist decided to compare Alaska to a block of ice. This cartoon supports my opinion on American Imperialism is that we needed to expand our territory because we wanted to be a powerful country.
"Cartoon Ridiculing The 1867 US Purchase of Alaska." Great Big Canvas. The Great Big Canvas, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.,2303997/.

Purchase of Alaska

The issue that this political carton is addressing most citizens thoughts about the purchase of Alaska. The cartoonist thinks that the purchase of Alaska was a waste of money, and we basically purchased a block of ice. I can imagine others thinking that the purchase of Alaska was good because we gained a lot of territory, and in this territory, we gained a lot of raw materials such as oil, timber, and gold.  The cartoonist used exaggeration and analogy to make this cartoon persuasive. The cartoonist has used exaggeration because the United States is not literally carrying Alaska over to their country. This cartoonist has used analogy to be persuasive because Alaska is being compared to a gigantic chunk of ice because the cartoonist believes that Alaska was a waste of money. This cartoon supports my opinion on American Imperialism because I do not think gaining territory paid off because later, we ran into World War 1 because of our trading relationships with other countries.
"Alaska Government State Capital Juneau Governor Sean Parnell Alaska State Motto." Alaska Government State Capital Juneau Governor Sean Parnell Alaska State Motto. Alaska State Government, 29 Mar. 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <>.