Monday, February 22, 2016

Open Door Policy

This political cartoon is addressing an issue about the Open Door Policy. The cartoonist message is that America was the first country to open China into trading with other countries. I can imagine another disagreeing with this issue. I could imagine another peer thinking that the United States was trying to keep trade between only the United States and China. Some techniques that the cartoonist used to make this cartoon persuasive were labelling and symbolism. The symbolism is being used on the citizens to represent the countries trying to come and make trade with China. The labelling is used on the door to China, because as a country, China has now officially opened themselves to trade with other countries. This cartoon supports my stand on American imperialism because I think that we should expand and have more trading relationships with other countries.
Chappell, Caitlin. "AP European History." AP European History. Blogger, 5 Mar. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. <>.  

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